Godshot Espresso - Saint-Henri Micro Roaster (300gr bag)

Godshot Espresso - Saint-Henri Micro Roaster (300gr bag)
Producer: 438 small producers
Region: Gashoho, Muyinga
Country: Burundi
Elevation: 1672 meters
Variety: Red Bourbon
Process: Washed
History: For the first time since the beginning of 2022, we find a coffee from Burundi in the Godshot. Burundi is a very special origin for Saint Henri, as it's the only one where they are fully integrated into the supply chain. This specific batch comes from the Gikinko washing station in the Muyinga region of northern Burundi. Each year, this station buys from nearly 1,000 growers who tend their coffee plants on 8 hills surrounding the commune of Gashoho, where the station is located.
Transparency: We believe that buying coffee is much more than a simple transaction. Since their inception in 2011, Café Saint-Henri's goal has been to form long-term partnerships and pay prices that ensure financial sustainability for the producers they work with.
Coffee beans
Green apple, jasmine, honey
Coffee bag - 300 grams (no grind)
- Cocoa Glory -
Precious cocoas
We obviously seek to find the best cocoas in the world... but also to partner with farmers who fight to preserve the incredible biodiversity of the tropics.
From bean to tablet
Every cocoa bean that enters our factory is sorted by hand, roasted in micro-batches and ground under granite stones for days.
Our chocolate revolution
Ethical cocoas.
Local transformation.
Ecological approach.
Epic chocolates!